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What Christmas Cookie Are You?

They're all delicious, so whichever one you land on, well, you're a winner every time.

Shari's Berries

Nov 22, 2022

The holidays are here, and that means one thing for sure: It’s time to spread cheer through the gift of baked goods! Whether you enjoy baking from scratch or prefer store-bought treats, you know that cookies are a great way to bring loved ones together. Who doesn’t love biting into a warm and soft chocolate chip cookie? Seriously, is there anyone on this planet that doesn't like to get down with a chocolate chip cookie? Or perhaps you prefer the tart bite of a lemon cookie? Maybe you’re not even sure where to begin. It's probably best to just try all of them.

If you don't want to go the "try them all" route, we’re here to help! Whether you are looking to make something that's sweet, fruity, classic, or a bit more unique, there’s a perfect Christmas cookie for every personality. Just answer the questions below and follow along to find out what Christmas cookie you are!

Infographic of what Christmas cookie are you.

Now that you have discovered what Christmas cookie you are, plan a cookie baking party with your family and friends to make everyone's personality cookie. Make the party complete with a Christmas playlist, some hot chocolate, and your favorite holiday movie playing in the background to make it extra festive. At the end of the day, everyone can swap cookies so you can sample a bit of each flavor. Be sure to have cookie boxes ready so that all the sweet treats make it home without turning into crumbs. You can make it a new tradition for years to come!

Still not sure what kind of cookie will satisfy your sweet tooth and short on time? Just have some cookies and baked goods delivered right to your door! Just don't forget to leave some tasty treats out with a glass of milk for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve!